Day 82 | Women’s Conference | App Design
I thought that it would be really cool if participants had more control over the events or sessions they wanted to attend at this conference. So, I decided to create an app that is exclusive to the conference, which allows them to view all relevant information. They are only allowed access once they purchase a […]
Day 78 | Women’s Conference | Web Design
I honestly had so many different ideas for this web design page, but I wanted to get away from what I would typically do(using all of my design assets), and instead wanted to be very simple and straightforward. I didn’t want the glitz and glam of the glass shards to get in the way of the […]
Day 50 | Dating App | App Design
Can you believe that we’ve made it to 50 days?!!!! We are HALFWAY through our journey! Have you enjoyed it thus far? Let us know! Our app design is complete — at least with the screens we decided to create. As an entrepreneur, would you be interested in joining this app and finding love? Or […]
Day 49 | Dating App | Speed Dating Interface
I felt that it would be really cool if the app, “EnLove”, hosted Speed Dating events in order to further their agenda of getting entrepreneurs together to find love. I created this interface that allows users to speed date virtually, while also allowing them to take notes about the people they meet and much more. I really […]