Day 66 | Food Company | Social Media Graphics
Today, we are designing some social media graphics to advertise the products that were designed over that last few days. Have a great day!!! CREATIVITY IN ACTION! WATCH IT!
Day 59 | Non-Alcoholic Drink | Social Media Graphics
To crown this brand, I created a few social media graphics. Today, I used Adobe XD instead of Canva, so that I could create some shadows underneath the product. Thanks for watching me develop this brand. Sobriety is an amazing thing! For those who are on the journey, keep it up! CREATIVITY IN ACTION! WATCH […]
Day 53 | Pet Company | Social Media Graphics
I haven’t created social graphics in this challenge for some time, and so I thought it would be fun to bring these high-energy colors and translate them into graphics that speak well of the brand. CREATIVITY IN ACTION! WATCH IT!
Day 4 | Self Love Brand | Instagram Posts
Who doesn’t love a good Instagram post? Today, we design 6 instagram graphics to accompany the brand collateral that I’ve worked on over the past few days. We have a few designs to encourage the audience, and one to show the product. Creativity in Action! Watch it!